Custom WordPress Solutions that Drive Digital Growth

We understand that staying competitive in the market requires a website that resonates with your target audience. That is why our team considers your entire business – from your distinct service or product offerings to your unique customers – to help you design, develop, and customize your lead generation, improve user experiences, boost SEO, or simply hand it off to a specialized team to manage. Whether you are looking for a website solution to improve your lead generation, improve user experiences, boost SEO, or simply hand it off to a specialized team to manage, Affirma’s WordPress consultants can help. 

Enterprise WordPress Design & Development

Our custom WordPress solutions drive more value from your investment, increase conversion rates, and establish consistent and efficient online growth through: 

Hosting & Security

Our WordPress team ensures that you are supported in the long run, with an emphasis on maintenance, updates, and reliable support.

UX & UI Design

Maximizing your WordPress success requires an effective user interface leading to a positive user experience. Our WordPress UX and UI design team designs intuitive, responsive, efficient, content-focused, and cohesive websites that resonate with your audience. 

Web Analytics

If you’re like most organizations, you could benefit from an extra set of technical eyes to provide insight on your WordPress performance. Our WordPress web analytics experts provide exactly that – an advanced and extremely detailed perspective from specialists with the expertise to turn your website’s data into actionable insights. 

Compliance & Accessibility

With an emphasis on accessibility from the beginning of the development process, our WordPress consultants ensure that your site is compliant, accessible, and user-friendly to all. 

WordPress Training & Support

Our WordPress consulting team ensures long-term online success. Not only do we provide reliable and up-to-date solutions, but we also provide an ongoing relationship of consistent and advanced support.  

Full WordPress Development

From strategic initial WordPress installations to complex multi-page sites, our advanced consulting team of engineers, developers, programmers, and architects can help. 

Custom Theme Development

WordPress themes make up the forefront of your online presence, giving users insight into who you are, what you do, and why your organization matters. We make theme development simple – tackling the coding, plugins, templates, and branding for you. 

Custom Plugin Development

Our team securely develops, installs, updates, and supports custom plugins that fit your unique needs and extend your WordPress capabilities. 

Migrations & Integrations

Migrating to WordPress can sound daunting with risks of downtime, increased vulnerabilities, and even slower performance. Our specialized WordPress consulting team is backed by 20 years of expertise to ensure your migrations are seamless, secure, and successful. 

Search Engine Optimization

Our search engine optimization (SEO) consultants are industry experts at winning the game of satisfying both users and search engines. We use WordPress and search engine optimization techniques to improve your inbound conversions, search presence, and overall ROI. 

Here are a few ways our SEO consulting services can help you: 

  • Technical SEO 
  • On-Page SEO 
  • Link Building 
  • SEO Foundational Audits 
  • SEO Content Analyses 
  • SEO Content Optimization 
  • Local SEO 
  • Mobile SEO 

WordPress Website Managed Services

With infinite opportunities for growth and optimization within WordPress, site management can be a time-consuming and daunting task. Our WordPress consulting team has it all, made up of developers, designers, engineers, architects, marketers, creative writers, animators, videographers, graphic designers, strategists, and more. We tackle the WordPress management for you and eliminate tedious manual processes, decrease operational costs, drive increased conversions, and increase ROI so your team can stay focused on internal tasks. 

Content Creation

No WordPress development project is fully complete without establishing a strategic content marketing plan. Our teams of marketers, content marketing consultants, creative writers, animators, videographers, graphic designers, and strategists are here to help you reach your WordPress goals. Create connected relationships between your site, brand, and target customers with the right voice, design, and data-driven strategies. 

Drive Business Growth With an Improved WordPress Website

Whether you want to add new functionality to your WordPress site, update existing content, complete a redesign, enhance accessibility, or want to outsource your Website’s maintenance and support, Affirma is ready to help. Our dedicated team of web developers, UI/UX designers, content writers, and WordPress site builders work together to create a comprehensive plan to deliver a WordPress solution that meets your business’s unique requirements.

Establish, optimize, and strengthen your online presence by getting in touch with our WordPress team today.

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Discover why Video Marketing has become such a powerful tool for businesses to capture their audiences and turn them into customers.

Craft a winning link-building strategy to boost SEO, increase visibility, and climb search rankings. Get our proven link-building techniques now.

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