We Know How to Streamline Your Product Marketing

In the ever-changing landscape of today’s fiercely competitive market, product marketers play a pivotal role in ensuring the success of impactful products and cultivating customer satisfaction. However, navigating this complex terrain presents its own set of challenges. For over two decades, Affirma has been a trusted partner to Product Marketing Managers (PMMs) and their teams across various industries, offering tailored consulting services to help them understand their audience, expand their reach to new demographics, and uncover fresh opportunities through our cutting-edge digital solutions.

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How We Help Product Marketing Teams Succeed

Content creation

Customer surveys, focus groups, & research

Data tracking & ROI visualization

Audio, Video, & Animation

Product positioning & messaging guides

Product marketing strategy development

What We Do

Are you struggling to understand how your content is performing? Is your product standing out from your competitors? Does your team have a general lack of time, resources, and bandwidth to get everything done? Affirma can help. Our product marketing services were designed to help PMMs get their product solutions into the hands of their customers.

Our Product Marketing Consulting Services

Product Positioning & Messaging

One of the biggest pain points we see our PMM clients struggling with is creating product messaging that impresses their target audience. We help PMMs strike the balance of differentiating their product messaging and positioning so that it doesn’t sound the same as all their competitors without going too far and losing their audience altogether.

How we do it:

Customer Research & Understanding

Our Product Marketing Experts can help you find and leverage your customer data to ensure all gaps in your product marketing strategy are filled. We use various methods to research your customers to guarantee your product marketing efforts solve their pain points, build trust, and motivate them to purchase your solutions.

How we do it:

1. We use surveys, customer interviews, focus groups, reviews, testimonials, and more to gather actual customer feedback to learn:

  • How would they rate your product against your competitor’s product?
  • What pain points are your customers trying to solve with your product?
  • What benefits do they get from using your product? What drawbacks do they have?

2. We look at user journeys, time on page, click-through rates, bounce rates, and more to answer:

  • What channels influence your customers to buy your product?
  • Are there aspects of your product that customers don’t use?
  • Where do customers leave in the buying journey?

3. We measure sales, customer satisfaction, customer churn, engagement, and more to measure how your customers are interacting with your product to determine:

  • How likely are your customers to buy your product again?
  • Do your customers refer others?
  • How many of your customers switch to your competitors?

Analytics to Prove Your Product Marketing ROI

You may know that the product resources your team creates are making an impact, but without actual data to back that up, it’s going to be a challenge to get executive buy-in to create more campaigns. Enhanced data will also tell you where your marketing efforts should be focused to get the most value.

Between our marketing experts and our data & analytics team, we can help you:

Ready to see how we can help you hit your product marketing goals?

We know what it takes to get products into the hands of the ideal customer and we understand the difficulties Product Marketing teams go through to do so efficiently. Book your free consultation with our Product Marketing Consultants to learn how we can help you:

  • Identify how your content is and tie your content to ROI metrics
  • Maintain a consistent product narrative
  • Provide the forms of content that your customers want most
  • Identify when you update and repurpose content and execute the update
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Discover why Video Marketing has become such a powerful tool for businesses to capture their audiences and turn them into customers.

Craft a winning link-building strategy to boost SEO, increase visibility, and climb search rankings. Get our proven link-building techniques now.

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