Unmatched SharePoint Consulting Expertise

Our experience with Microsoft 365 consulting runs deep. As a trusted Microsoft Gold Partner for over 10 years, our M365 technology expertise allows us to deliver unparalleled solutions for your enterprise.

    • Certified Gold Microsoft Partner
    • Flexible and cost-effective solutions
    • 19 Years of SharePoint and Office 365 experience
    • SharePoint development expertise across industries
    • SharePoint solutions for every stage – implementation, custom application development, customizations, and more

A one-stop shop for all your SharePoint consulting needs.

Content management
SharePoint sites: Intranets, extranets, etc.,
Automated workflow creation
Collaboration across teams
Corporate communication
Document management
Process automation
Portal development and implementation
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SharePoint consulting solutions designed to fit the needs of your business, industry, employees, and customers.

Our clients are our top priority. Our SharePoint consultants consider your entire business – your goals, processes, employees, industry, and desired outcomes, to develop a customized SharePoint solution tailored for your company. And with a 98% customer satisfaction record, you’ll feel at ease knowing we deliver results that meet your standards.

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We handle your complex SharePoint projects so you can focus on other critical areas across your business.

While SharePoint comes with a variety of out-of-the-box functionality and features, not every business has the time and resources to fully customize it to fit their unique industry requirements, standards, and needs.

Affirma’s SharePoint consultants have the technical and industry experience to customize SharePoint to solve your unique pain points, increasing the value of the solution and your overall ROI.  Whether you are thinking of investing in SharePoint, already have it, or are looking to migrate to SharePoint, we are readily available to help no matter what stage you are with SharePoint.  We’ve developed SharePoint solutions that help companies with collaboration challenges, communication issues, tedious/manual processes, and more. From developing a migration and adoption strategy to integrating SharePoint among your other applications to migrating you to a newer, improved version of SharePoint, our services encompass it all.

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A few pain points we optimize SharePoint to help with include:

Increase user adoption
Improve user experiences
Enhance efficiency across your org
Reduce costs/increase ROI
Consolidate document management systems
Streamline communications
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Why Organizations Hire Our SharePoint Consultants

While SharePoint comes with a variety of out-of-the-box functionality and features, not every business has the time and resources to fully customize it to fit their unique industry requirements, standards, and needs.

SharePoint consultants have the technical expertise and industry experience to help better leverage SharePoint to solve your pain points, increasing the value of the solution and your overall ROI.  Whether you are thinking of investing in SharePoint or already have it, our SharePoint experts are readily available to help no matter what stage you are with SharePoint.  We have assisted companies with collaboration challenges, communication issues, tedious/manual processes, and more by proposing creative SharePoint solutions that enhance organizational efficiencies. From developing a migration and adoption strategy to integrating SharePoint among your other applications to migrating you to a newer, improved version of SharePoint, our services encompass it all.

Our SharePoint Consultants Can Help You:

  • Increase user adoption
  • Improve user experiences
  • Enhance efficiency across your org
  • Reduce cost/increase ROI
  • Streamline communications
  • Consolidate document management systems
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Customers we’ve worked with

Comprehensive SharePoint Consulting Services

Affirma has been offering SharePoint Consulting and development for over 20 years. With our vast technology and design experience, and as a Certified Gold Microsoft Partner, we can offer a wide range of SharePoint services to help your organization no matter what stage you are at in your SharePoint journey.

SharePoint Migration

Affirma provides full-service migrations from current on-premises SharePoint Farms to SharePoint Online or upgrading your older version of SharePoint On-premises to a newer version on SharePoint On-Premises.

Check out how we helped the City of Seattle migrate its legacy Intranet to SharePoint Modern.

Read the case study

SharePoint Governance

We ensure your SharePoint environment is successful with a custom SharePoint governance plan. Our team outlines the processes, rules, roles, and regulations to help you define user interaction with SharePoint across your organization.

Why you need it:

  • Helps keep your company safe, secure, and compliant
  • Guarantees a better ROI
  • Streamlines the deployment of SharePoint
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SharePoint Design and Development

SharePoint design is one of the most critical stages of a SharePoint project – in fact, it can greatly increase the overall ROI of your SharePoint investment. Our SharePoint experts take the time to thoroughly plan the design phase of your SharePoint project to ensure your employees and customers can easily use and navigate the interface. Our SharePoint design expertise considers design an important step in creating a portal that is attractive, intuitive, and easy to read.

SharePoint Intranets

Easy communication and collaboration are two highly effective strategies when it comes to ensuring your business runs smoothly. A corporate SharePoint intranet can empower your employees by providing them a space to find useful HR resources and company-wide communications, allowing them to easily work across teams to meet deadlines, and can even help your sales team close more revenue.

Affirma’s SharePoint consulting team can help you get a SharePoint intranet set up for your employees without interrupting daily operations. Our SharePoint experts also help organizations get their employees up-to-speed, ensuring a high user adoption rate and increasing ROI.

SharePoint Extranets

Similar to SharePoint Intranets, we understand the importance of creating a cohesive, easy-to-use place for your external collaborators to land to find important documents.

Our SharePoint extranet design and development services help companies provide their partners, board members, committees, volunteers, and other external groups a place to access critical business information such as invoices and orders, events, news, contacts, and more.

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SharePoint Integrations

What sets us apart from other SharePoint consulting companies is our expansive knowledge and expertise across enterprise systems, tools, and platforms. We also have a deep understanding of how technology can work together to provide insights to leadership teams.

Our SharePoint integration experts can work with you to discover which of your enterprise technologies, tools, and systems can be integrated to increase their capabilities, getting you more out of your investments and driving growth for your business.

SharePoint Managed Services

Affirma’s SharePoint support doesn’t stop after deployment; for organizations who want to ensure their SharePoint stays up-to-date and fully utilized, we engage in longer-term partnerships to save them time and cost.

Our SharePoint managed service provides ongoing monitoring, maintenance, and support to ensure your SharePoint solution operates efficiently for your organization and your employees. Our goal is to help you get the most value from your SharePoint solution and leverage it to hit your business goals and requirements. Whether you need ongoing monitoring, performance checks, or help desk services, our SharePoint experts are ready to help.

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Get Your Free SharePoint Consultation

Our SharePoint consultants are readily available to help you- no matter where you are at with your SharePoint journey. We can make strong recommendations and provide you with a custom roadmap to ensure your SharePoint implementation or migration is successful.

Get in touch today to ensure effective SharePoint implementation, user adoption, customizations, governance, and security.

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Discover why Video Marketing has become such a powerful tool for businesses to capture their audiences and turn them into customers.

Craft a winning link-building strategy to boost SEO, increase visibility, and climb search rankings. Get our proven link-building techniques now.

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