Why Hire a Marketing Agency?

What is Content Marketing and Why Do We Do it?

Five Simple Tips on How to Level Up Your Home Recording Studio

How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence in Sales During COVID

COVID-19 has increased the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace- especially if you work in sales. Check out our blog by Susie Babadzhanov to learn how you can improve your sakes success by improving your EQ.

4 Basic Principles of Effective Change Management

New software and tools are only as effective as the people using them. Change Management is an effective strategy that ensures people are set up for success when businesses implement new software, tools, and processes. Read more to learn how to utilize the 4 basic principles of change management.

5 Tips for Planning an Effective Email Strategy

Does your business utilize email marketing in their digital marketing strategy? One of Affirma's email marketing experts, Quinn Sullivan, shares her top 5 tips she looks to when planning for an effective email strategy. Learn more!

How to Lead and Manage Effectively During COVID-19

Managing a team can be a challenge, but when you add a global pandemic into the mix, it can feel overwhelming. Check out one of our leaders as she shares her story of managing her team during this tumultuous time.

Empathy in Sales: Why You Should Put People Before Platforms

Focusing on the components of the software or platform you are selling can only get you so far. Check out how showing empathy and focusing on people is the most important sales tactic.

How to Successfully Make a Career Transition

Whether you are looking for your first job as a post-grad or are wanting to make a career change these tips will help you present your old skills and develop new ones to make your transition as smooth as possible.

New Features in Microsoft Teams

As companies continue to promote working from home, Microsoft Teams has become the #1 virtual communications platform. Check out these exciting new features and how they will benefit your company and your employees.