The number of mobile users continue to increase every year. As a matter of fact, mobile finally overtook fixed internet in 2014. With over 120 million smartphone users in the United States alone, companies both big and small are starting to incorporate mobility in their marketing strategies. With over 50% of all searches happening in a mobile device and a stunning 129% annual growth rate of revenue for mobile apps and ads, it’s a huge opportunity that you can’t simply overlook. Should I start thinking about building a mobile app for my business? Here are some reasons why you should.
24/7 Visibility to Your Clients
Do you know that an average American user spends more than 2 hours a day in his or her mobile device? A big chunk of this time is spent on specific apps (like Facebook and Instagram). Putting your beautifully designed app icon along the way gives your company an enormous advantage.
Increase Customer Loyalty
Every day, consumers are bombarded with hundreds of ads, from Facebook and email campaigns to billboards and fliers. Because of this endless barrage of advertisements, businesses are slowly losing their impact on their customers. By keeping a handy app just a “fingertip” away, you are well on your way to developing a true and sincere relationship with your clients — turning them into loyal patrons of your products and services. How can I do this? Let’s say you have a loyalty program or a promotional campaign. By digitizing it and by making it possible for your customers to claim their rewards via your mobile app, you are not only engaging your clients but you are also getting more downloads, more return customers, and of course, more sales!
Build Your Brand
With the fierce competition out there, how will my business stand out? Creating a mobile app for your business is one of the best ways to build your brand and gain recognition in today’s e-generation. A mobile app is like a blank slate. And you can do anything with it — you can make it hip, colorful, stylish, informative — depending on how you want to brand your business. But do you know what’s even better? You can turn your app into something that your customers will really love while keeping it beautifully designed and well branded at the same time. How about recognition? You can always keep your customers engaged through your app. You can do this by providing news feeds, search features, prices information, special sales and promotions. As you do this, you will ultimately gain recognition among your clients.
Mobility for Productivity
Mobile apps are also beneficial to your workforce. A mobile app with the right tools to analyze data or provide customer support at the office or at home will turn your deskbound workers into ordinary “people doing extraordinary things.” Unrealized potentials will be tapped, encouraging deeper insights and honing creativity — mobility is at the heart of productivity.
Assura Technology Group and Mobility
Assura Technology Group, a leading healthcare technology company realized the potential of mobility in their patient care strategy. According to the company’s IT Directory, Ron Dunbar, “Affirma developed a cutting-edge solution to some of our greatest challenges including our team’s heavy data entry burden and lack of efficient collaboration. The resulting mobile app is exactly what we needed; it allows us to cut costs, prevent fraud, save time, and improve patient wellness.” One of the toughest decisions that Assura Technology Group had to make was devising a cohesive mobile development strategies.
Here’s a fact, the mobile world is dynamic — it is constantly changing. And Assura recognizes that Mobile strategies must constantly address the changing mobile world. Does it sound like an enormous task? It is, but it’s worth it. And whether we like it or not, a mobile tsunami is sweeping across the globe. As ABI pointed out, “We’re no longer talking only about a short-term gold rush. Apps have become a major digital industry.” Want to catch the wave? We at Affirma are eager to get you on board. Contact one of our consultants to discuss your mobile app idea.
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